
[I-angel x momtalk] I recommend a baby belt that doesn't burden your waist! "Dr. Dial, all-in-one hip seat, baby carrier."

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Date 2023-05-08 14:49
Views 698
Category Video
Of all the things you need to prepare for childbirth! It's a must! A baby carrier!

Even though it's a childcare necessity, it's hard to find a baby belt that fits me well among the numerous baby belts, right?
It's good to wear a baby belt at a baby fair or store and choose it while sitting down, but even if you try it on, it may not fit your child's body or discomfort over time, so it's hard to judge it by a short trial.

So, Jina chose this 🙂 "I-angel's 'Doctor Dial All-in-One' Hip Seat Baby Carrier' that Gina compared and chose a lot."

We'll look into them one by one now
1. A dial fit system that minimizes waist burden
2. Back support that protects the waist for the first time in Korea
3. Abdominal compressor, dual foam fitted
4. Easy to wear, one-touch magnetic buckle and rail guide
5. Ergonomic design to help the baby grow healthy hip joints

"Childcare is all about items!" ' The quality of childcare depends on which childcare product you choose.
Gina's PICK  'Dr.Dial All-in-One Hip Seat Baby Carrier' will help our mothers raise their children more comfortably and happily!
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