CEO’s Welcome

From our beginning and until this day, the i-angel brand and our values grew and expanded thanks to the never-ending love of countless mothers and fathers and the passionate work of our employees. With our sights firmly fixed only on the baby carrier market, i-angel has continued to hone our passion based on our craftsmanship.

To show our appreciation for all the wonderful support from our customers in Korea and around the world, we will continue to develop products that are comfortable on the shoulders and hips with more features. Dr. Dial Plus was born based on our expert craftsmanship, and we will continue to spread our products around the world.

Now, i-angel has also been designing and developing products for pets since 2023.
After some deep thought, we’re confident that babies, pets, and seniors share a lot of similarities. Babies, pets, and seniors all need a caregiver. They can be similar in so many ways, which is why we believe that the products for these markets have a lot that can be shared together.

Our first step was i-angel, and we are now taking our second step with Mungly. Through Mungly, we wish to introduce simple and stylish products that are highly functional and fit right into the lives of pets and their owners. We hope everyone will appreciate Mungly as well.

Thank you.

CEO of i-angel, Jinseop Lee

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